Kids & Teens

Rise Kids & Teens Program

Since 1 in 4 youths struggle with their mental health we knew we needed to create a special Curriculum: RISE Kids & Teens 10-12 week Program was developed to teach coping skills to each age group for their overall well-being.

The Program is based on scientifically proven research in the field of social and emotional learning. Our teaching provides effective strategies to help with the mental health of youth. Children and adolescents will learn topics such as; Understanding Emotions, Effective Communication, Promoting Resilience, Conflict Resolution, Managing Anger, Dealing with Bullying, and Increasing Coping Skills.

RISE Start Curriculum consists of our Pre-K version and  our grades K- 2 version. RISE Kids Curriculum is designed for students in grades 3-8, and includes versions for both elementary and middle school students. RISE Teens Curriculum is designed for high school age students, those in grades 9-12. Our Program is created to be used for wellness promotion, prevention, and early intervention. Our Program can be used effectively with high functioning, typical, and at-risk youth, as well as students with behavioral and emotional disorders, in a variety of settings.

The RISE Kids & Teens Program has much to offer and can be a valuable tool for the overall well-being of our youth. They’ll feel they can….RISE